CTXUG Monthly Meetup 1 March 2017

Tonight was a very fun evening at CTXUG (Cape Town Xamarin User’s Group).      The two topics presented were Telerik UI for Xamarin and Lottie.       The User Group was held at the MLab office at the waterfront which is a great place to have events!


Event URL:  https://www.meetup.com/Cape-Town-Xamarin-Users-Group/events/237781504/


Telerik UI


“Telerik® UI for Xamarin by Progress is a collection of UI controls and functionalities that complement the default controls found in the platform. The controls offer many non-trivial scenarios out of the box, helping developers to implement polished UI with native-quality performance in their apps faster, shortening time to market. Telerik UI for Xamarin includes Xamarin.iOS wrappers, Xamarin.Android wrappers and Xamarin.Forms controls.”


I did the first talk this time on Telerik UI for Xamarin.      It was great showing off what the component set could do, and everyone seemed inspired and impressed with what Telerik UI for Xamarin offers.


I do hope the free Telerik license recipients will be presenting the cool stuff they build soon at CTXUG!!!  🙂


Thank you to Telerik for all the giveaways!!


Speaker:   Allan Pead


The slides for this can be found on github:    http://bit.ly/2mGtt61


More details on Telerik UI for Xamarin can be found here:  http://www.telerik.com/campaigns/xamarin-ui/telerik-ui-for-xamarin




Telerik UI For Xamarin Talk


Telerik Swag



Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!

For the first time, designers can create and ship beautiful animations without an engineer painstakingly recreating it by hand.”


Chris van Wyk  (from Xamarin University) gave an amazing talk on the amazing animation framework Lottie.   Everyone (including myself) was really, really impressed what Lottie can do.


Speaker:   Chris van Wyk


More information about Lottie:  https://github.com/martijn00/LottieXamarin




Lottie Talk



I hope to see everyone at CTXUG soon!  <Update> The next User Group meetup is on the 29th of March.   The topic will be Visual Studio 2017!!



I am a Xamarin Most Valueable Professional (MVP), Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP, Microsoft Internet of Things MVP, Microsoft Azure MVP, Architect, Software Developer, Organizer and Sponsor of the CPTMSDUG, JHBMSDUG and DBNMSDUG User Groups and father of 2.