Last night was the Cross Iot Session at GXUGSA in Johannesburg. It’s always fun presenting all the Iot toys, but also what can actually be done with Xamarin and the rest of the Microsoft tooling.
It’s also not always clear that you can basically do anything you want with Xamarin, so always nice and exciting to showcase it outside the usual phone type scenarios.

The session featured
Visual Micro for Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code with Arduino Extension which is now Open Source.
Xamarin Forms and Xamarin.Android with Android Things 0.4 Preview
The new Xamarin Iot preview for Linux based devices
Windows 10 Iot Core
Azure Iot Hubs
Devices wise
Raspberry Pi 2 + 3
Intel Edison
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Latte Panda and Arduino Leonardo
MXChip Azure Kit

The presentation can be found here:
Android Things Weather Station Sample with Azure Iot Hubs:
Cross Platform Generic Xamarin Forms sample that ran on Phone, Android Things and Windows 10 Iot:
Xamarin Android Things Nuget:
Xamarin Android Things Contrib Drivers:
Getting Started with Xamarin Iot:
MXChip Azure Kit:
Android Things Starter Kit with Rainbow Hat: