Azure and the Internet of Things at GXUGSA

Always fun to fly to Johannesburg and speak at GXUGSA.    I hope it was useful.

I’ve made all content available.






Android Things Weatherstation (Android Studio):


Android Things Weatherstation (Xamarin):


MX Chip kit Twitter Shake-Shake:


MX Chip orders available from DFRobot:


This session featured


Azure Functions

Azure Iot Hub

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Machine Learning

Power BI

Android Things

MX Chip Azure Iot Kit

And other Iot platforms and devices (Arduino, Netduino, Raspberry Pi, Windows 10 Iot, Xamarin Iot)


MXChip Iot Kit



Happy Cross Platform IoT’ing



I am a Xamarin Most Valueable Professional (MVP), Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP, Microsoft Internet of Things MVP, Microsoft Azure MVP, Architect, Software Developer, Organizer and Sponsor of the CPTMSDUG, JHBMSDUG and DBNMSDUG User Groups and father of 2.