Build Yourself an AI Powered Microscope – DevConf 2024

Thank you everyone who attended my session at both DevConf Cape Town and Johannesburg
I met so many awesome people during DevConf inside and outside of my session! Thank you for making DevConf 2024 the incredibile conference it was!

I’ve included the slides for those interested in building your own DIY Microscope, or something similar to help you with your own accessibility challenges. If you have an imaging device with some intelligence, there’s so many things you can do!

The project is using a Raspberry Pi 3B (4 and 5 works too). It is build using C# and .NET 8. The user interface is created using AvaloniaUI. There’s nothing better that Avalonia if you need to create small, incredibly fast user interfaces on Linux using .NET. I really recommend trying it out!

The backend is using Azure CosmosDB for storage. The MongoDB VCore Implementation. This is chosen for it’s vector search capabilities. Perfect for a conversational solution using OpenAI.

The slides can be found below

The whole premise of the talk was to inspire developers to think about using all these tech components in your toolbox. Both AI and IoT bits and use it for good. There’s so many solutions that could be created especially for accessibility, to make people’s life a little easier. This is also exactly why I created this Microscope, to solve my own accessibility problems when building IoT solutions. Think about what you could do!

Recorded Demos

Demo of analysing a Gigatron board
Unicorn HATs and dynamic lighting!
Using a Conversational Interface
Looking a ZX Spectrum RAM Chips
Helios Speaks Afrikaans!

The Microscope Tech Stack

.NET 8 (C#)

Avalonia UI


Azure CosmosDB

Azure AI Vision

Azure Speech

Azure OpenAI

Azure IoT Edge


Mosquito MQTT

The components used can be found here. You can put this all together yourself!

Some photos of the session at DevConf 2024

I hope to see you next time! Happy building and learning with cool tech!!! 😍

Azure Percept

Woohoo!! So excited my Azure Percept arrived. Time to do some playing. 😊

Learning Resources

Azure Percept DK and Vision device overview

Azure Percept sample AI models

AI @ the Edge

Azure Percept Audio Overview- set up and use your voice assistant

Azure Percept | Build & Deploy to edge AI devices in minutes

Azure Percept showing Edge Computing and AI in the Agriculture

Unboxing the Azure Percept
Unboxing of the Azure Percept Audio

Cool logo
It arrived!!!
Azure Percept Vision

The full Azure Percept unit

Azure Percept Ports

Lets try some Agri models