Updated Installing Xamarin Cycle 9 side by side with Android Studio 2.3

Android Studio 2.3 released on 1 March.   I recently created a guide to install Xamarin side by side with Android Studio 2.2.3 here.


The steps illustrated remain the same.   The only difference is, the Android Studio 2.3 zip  file (without sdk and installer) can be located here.    If 2.23 was previously installed, migrate the 2.2.3 settings on first run of Android Studio 2.3.   This will copy across the shared SDK location with the Xamarin installation.


Android Studio 2.3


Happy Xamarin Development!


I am a Xamarin Most Valueable Professional (MVP), Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP, Microsoft Internet of Things MVP, Microsoft Azure MVP, Architect, Software Developer, Organizer and Sponsor of the CPTMSDUG, JHBMSDUG and DBNMSDUG User Groups and father of 2.