Xamarin Iot comes to Visual Studio 2017 on Windows

I recently had a quick look at Xamarin Iot.  The post can be found here: http://explorationspace.co.za/2017/06/07/first-look-at-xamarin-iot/.


That was using Xamarin Iot on Visual Studio for the Mac (Preview).     Xamarin Iot is also however available for Visual Studio 2017 on Windows (Preview 2.1) too.  Below is the identical solution just running from Visual Studio 2017 on Windows.    Have a look!


Visual Studio Iot Project Template



New Xamarin Iot Agent




Visual Studio in Action


Xamarin Iot on Raspberry Pi Zero


This is just a quick look at Xamarin Iot running on a Raspberry Pi Zero, this time on Visual Studio on Windows.   More in-depth content coming soon!


Happy Iot’ing!

First Look at Xamarin IOT

This is a first look at the new Xamarin Iot functionality found within Visual Studio for Mac 7.1 Preview.   I will dig much further into detail in future posts, but lets have a very quick look and it.    I’m really excited about this addition to the already awesome Xamarin tooling!


New Iot Project Type


A new project type has been added for Iot.    This project type or template will create the solution and project needed to run on the Iot device.


Manage devices option


What’s immediately apparent is the new run option for the Iot project type.   There’s now a new item called “Manage Devices”


Iot device manager


The Iot Device Manager allows all the connected devices to be managed.   This setup is very similar to the Mac Agent used for iOS development with the Xamarin Visual Studio for Windows extension, however it will display all the Linux based devices running on the network.  In this case and screenshot it’s a Raspberry Pi Zero running Raspian (Jesse).   Configuring the device will allow remote deploys to the device from your Mac.    This will require a user name and password of a user on the Raspberry Pi.  This user will be used to connect to the Raspberry pi via SSH.    Also note, SSH needs to be enabled on the Raspberry Pi for this to work.


Executing remotely on device


Now you can start developing your Iot solution.   What’s really awesome is, all the things you expect to work will just work. This includes break points and a full debugging experience.     All this can happen wirelessly to a “headless” device.


The build and execution process is very similar to the Mac Agent when you do iOS development from Windows (Visual Studio) to a Mac.  The difference in this case, it is from a Mac (Visual Studio) to a Linux instance (Raspberry Pi).   On the very first execution, the mono run time will be copied over to the device.  This will be used to execute the built app.    The application itself and it’s “built code” is also synchronized with the Raspberry Pi.    This compiled Iot app is then in turn executed on the device remotely.


Lets see it in action!    Here is a simple example of the now standard Iot demo of a flashing LED, but running on a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero W.    What’s really nice about this implementation is, it runs on devices that is not supported by other Iot platforms, like Android Things and Windows 10 Iot Core.   It will run on the myriad of Linux based devices out there.



There is much more to show and tell.  So there’s much more blogs to come on this topic!   This will also include how Android Things and Xamarin Iot can work together to make cross platform Iot simpler.


But for now:  Happy Xamarin Iot’ing! 🙂


Using Xamarin and Visual Studio with Android Things

Android Things is Google’s new IOT Android based platform.    In essence it’s a slightly altered version of Android which can run on Iot type devices such as the Intel Edison and the Raspberry Pi3.


“Android Things lets you build professional, mass-market products on a trusted platform, without previous knowledge of embedded system design.”


Personally I’m not yet too impressed with Android Things.   It is still very new and very raw and is lacking a lot of what you’d expect from an Iot platform.   However, having finally a standard Android implementation officially from Google running on these devices has to be a good thing.    The platform should just get better from here.




Running in Visual Studio using Xamarin


Of course being Android, Android Things works with Xamarin too.     Using Xamarin will also be a benefit for all those awesome cross platform benefits it offers, like sharing your Iot code with your backend services, Android, Ios, Windows Phone, Windows 10, OSX, XBox and whatever other devices you’d like to be supporting in your solution.


Getting the devices to appear in Visual Studio is exactly as you’d expect.    The devices will use the standard Android Debugging Bridge (ADB).      Plugging in an Intel Edison via USB will be reflected as “Unknown Iot_Edison”.    You can obviously also use the network debugging features of ADB.   eg.   adb connect <ip address>   The device will then also be detected in Visual Studio.   A Raspberry Pi will appear as “Unknown iot_rpi3”.


Using Xamarin is very simple.    All we need to do is bind to the Android Things API Jar to be able to make use of all the features provided by the Android Things SDK.   At this moment in time there isn’t an official release Nuget package from Xamarin to do this.   It is however very simple to do this yourself.     In this sample (and I’ve shared the code on GitHub) I’m binding to the new Dev Preview 2 API for Android Things (androidthings-0.2-devpreview.jar).    Once the binding project is referenced from your Android Things project, everything will work as expected.   Just of course with the benefit of using C# and not Java!


I’ve created some samples based on the Standard Android Things Samples


Samples:   https://github.com/apead/Xamarin-Android-Things

Blink Led

No Iot sample and demo is complete without a blinking LED.   This sample is a conversion of the Android Things sample.



Simple UI

This sample is a simple illustration of using a UI on an Android Things device.   It also illustrates GPIO pins and how to set the high/low values of the pins.


Simple UI Android Things Sample




Learning Resources:


SDK Samples:  https://developer.android.com/things/sdk/samples.html

How to install Android Things on your Device:   https://developer.android.com/things/preview/index.html

A great article on the basics of electronics and hardware:  https://riggaroo.co.za/android-things-hardware-basics/


Happy Android Things Development with Xamarin!

Arduino Development with Visual Studio via Visual Micro (Overview)

Visual Studio has become a one stop shop for any type of development.  But did you know you can do Arduino development as well?    There is a Visual Studio extension called Visual Micro (http://www.visualmicro.com) which will allow Arduino development and debugging within Visual Studio IDE, with the full development experience you have become used to.   This is a high level overview of what is provided.


Arduino and Visual Studio


What’s really great about having Arduino support within Visual Studio is, you can group together all the various different projects that makes up your solution all together within a Visual Studio Solution.


Multi-platform Solution


In a world of Iot and cross platform (or multi platform) development this is perfect.   You could have one or more Arduino projects, .NET Micro framework projects,  a Xamarin Mobile client and the back-end (be it an on-premise ASP .NET WEB API solution, or in the cloud with something like Azure Mobile Services) all managed together in a single Visual Studio solution.


Installing Visual Micro


Visual Micro can be downloaded here:   http://www.visualmicro.com/page/Arduino-Visual-Studio-Downloads.aspx   It is a Visual Studio extension which will be installed within Visual Studio.   There is a version for both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 RC.     Be sure to have the standard Arduino IDE installed as well, as it uses this tooling under the hood.   Arduino version 1.06 – 1.8 is supported.


The IDE Experience


Visual Micro Toolbar



Visual Micro Menu


Both a toolbar and a new menu is added to Visual Studio.    The toolbar allows access to quickly configure the connected board and COM port used (via USB).    It also allows quick access for building and debugging, however if the Arduino project is the startup project the debugging and build options work as usual direct from the Visual Studio hotkeys, toolbars and menu items.    The menu allows for deeper configuration of the compiler, debugging options and other integration options.


File New Dialog

Templates are provided to easily create a new Arduino Sketch or Library.    Standard Arduino INO files are supported.   These standard file types are also used when opening and saving to existing Arduino Sketch files, which ofcourse can be ported back to the Arduino IDE if need be.


Solution Explorer


The solution explorer is quite neat for the Arduino.   All the source files, header files and external dependencies are presented in much the way you have grown accustomed to in Visual Studio.



The Visual Micro Explorer provides a visualization of all libraries installed.    There is also reference material and documentation provided along with a collection of Example code.   This is great for both learning and quickly looking up something.


The debug experience


Debugging Experience


Debugging and conditional breakpoints are supported.   This does though require a purchase of the Pro version.   The pro version has quite a number of additional features aswell which you can read about here:  http://www.visualmicro.com/page/What-features-are-included-in-Visual-Micro-Pro.aspx


The live tracing works great.  There is also the standard port monitor which does live logging of the Com ports.    In the screenshot provided the codes displayed are being reported from an infrared remote control in real-time.   The ability to see everything happen, and be visible, at once in an IDE saves a whole load of time.



I’ve been using Visual Micro for a few Arduino related Iot projects and can definitely recommend using it.


Happy Arduino coding!  🙂

Windows 10 IOT Remote Display Experience

With Microsoft Build 2016 complete, there are so many things to be looking at and trying out.   One of the more useful features for me right now is the new remoting functionality in Windows 10 IoT Insider Preview 10.0.14295.   I have this running on a Raspberry Pi 3 and I am busy with some work using an array of sensor telemetry.  Being able to see what is happening remotely make life far easier when building Universal Apps.

To configure this is very simple.    There is a new menu option added to the administration console called “Remote”.  This is accessible via the URL:  http://[ipaddress of pi]:8080.   If you haven’t changed the password the login should be:  “Administrator” and “p@ssw0rd”

IoT Remoting

Enable the Windows IoT Remote Server by ticking the box presented.


To access the Raspberry Pi remotely you need a client.   This is available in the Windows Store either by following the provided link, or just by searching for “Windows IoT” in the store.  https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh5mnxz


remote client


This will run on any Windows 10 device.   Just something to note: on a Windows 10 Mobile device (Lumia 950 XL in my case) you may have to set the device color scheme to light for the application text to be legible.  I’m sure this will be corrected in later builds.

iot client

Fill in the IP address of the Raspberry PI in the “Enter an IP address” text box and click / tap “Connect”.  You should now be seeing what the Raspberry Pi is displaying.

Remoting to a Windows 10 PC / Tablet
Remoting to a Lumia 950 XL


Build 2015: Windows 10 IoT Preview on a Raspberry Pi 2

Day 1 of Build 2015 has been great!   The IoT inclusions especially have been very exciting for me.


We now have Windows 10 IoT core released and running on:

Raspberry Pi 2
MinnowBoard Max


Also very interesting and exciting news is, we have Arduino support from Microsoft.

Windows Remote Arduino
Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino


Let’s start by installing Windows 10 IoT Core Preview on a Raspberry PI 2. I know many of you that bought a PI just to do this, I know I did. 🙂


Start by downloading the “Windows_IoT_Core_RPI2_BUILD” from https://connect.microsoft.com/windowsembeddedIoT/Downloads.  I had to accept some EULAs and click around before anything appeared to be selected for download.  It could have also been a timing problem as I was a bit eager to download and perhaps it was not available that soon.


The requirement for the installation is a Windows 10 Build 10069 or higher PC to copy the Windows 10 IoT installation onto an SD card . I downloaded the new Windows 10 Build 10074 ISO that was released today from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview-iso-update-1504.


Install Windows 10. I ignored the recommendations and installed on a Virtual Machine (on VMWare) and not a physical PC.  VMWare  passes through the SD card without problems to Windows 10.


Once everything is installed, copy the “Flash.ffu” file from the downloaded “Windows_IoT_Core_RPI2_BUILD” zip file to a folder on the Windows 10 PC.


From an Administrator Command line run the following command:


list disk


Note the number of the disk associated with the SDCard.


Run the dism command replacing the N in “\PhysicalDriveN” to the number noted above.


dism.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:flash.ffu /ApplyDrive:\\.\PhysicalDriveN /SkipPlatformCheck

After a short wait, you should see: “Operation completed successfully”. Eject the SD card.



Insert the SD card into the SD card slot in the Raspberry PI 2. Plug the HDMI cable into the PI and of course the monitor. Plug the power cable into the Raspberry PI. After a few worrying minutes Windows 10 IoT should be all booted up. It will reboot once during the initial setup process and the interesting blocks displayed in-between the Windows Logo appearing and final boot-up seems normal.


Next step is to make it do something useful! 🙂


rasp pi 2 rasp pi 1

For full detail instructions you can follow this link: http://ms-iot.github.io/content/win10/SetupRPI.htm

Running ASP .NET vNext on a pcDuino

Microsoft is doing a lot of great things at the moment.  One of these is the ability to run ASP .NET vNext away from a Windows Server, and away from IIS.    Being a ASP .NET Mvc developer for a few years now, the idea to run on any environment is quite liberating.


A pcDuino is a device with tons of potential.   It’s a powerful device and it really is a full “mini PC” with enough processing power to do interesting things like image processing.    But is small enough to be used in situations where you would uses an Arduino, Netduino, RFduino etc in the IoT or maker space.   The pcDuino also has an Ethernet port and on-board WiFi, so it is a rather compelling internet connected device.

Having deployed Mono on my board already, it was also a no brainer to extend that and to explore the potential of an internet connected device but leveraging ASP .NET vNext to do that.


asp net web server

ASP .NET Web Server (with Arduino Uno and Xamarin Monkey used for scale)



To get started read these two blog posts:


Now that we have both Ubuntu and Mono installed, we can now begin getting ASP .NET vNext up and running.

To figure out how to do this, I referred to the ASP .NET github repository, “Getting Started” page.  This page can be found here:  https://github.com/aspnet/Home


Lets start by installing the necessary certificates.

$ CERTMGR=/usr/local/bin/certmgr
$ sudo $CERTMGR -ssl -m https://go.microsoft.com
$ sudo $CERTMGR -ssl -m https://nugetgallery.blob.core.windows.net
$ sudo $CERTMGR -ssl -m https://nuget.org
$ sudo $CERTMGR -ssl -m https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/
$ mozroots --import --sync


We need curl, so install that next

$ sudo apt-get install curl


Download and execute the KVM installer on the ASP .NET site.   As of writing this,  the master branch has the 1.0.0-beta1, so we will use that.

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/master/kvminstall.sh | sh && source ~/.kre/kvm/kvm.sh
$ kvm upgrade


Check to see if the installation is correct, you should see the version number reflected with the list command.

$ kvm list


If git is not already installed, install git next.

$ sudo apt-get-install git


The web server ASP .NET vNext uses (Kestrel), is based on Libuv, so we need to install that next.

$ git clone https://github.com/libuv/libuv.git
$ cd libuv
$ sh autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install


Now we need something to run.  Lets use one of the samples from the ASP .NET github repository.for simplicity.  Clone the aspnet repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/aspnet/Home


Focusing on the Mvc example, change to the directory “HelloMvc”.    To resolve and download the necessary dependencies for the project, execute a restore command on the package manager “KPM”.

$ cd Home/samples/HelloMvc
$ kpm restore


We need to set up a symbolic link for libuv to avoid any “Object Reference not set to an instance of an object” errors.    This is not the most helpful or informative of error messages, but we get what it means.

 $ ln /usr/local/lib/libuv.so -sf ~/.kpm/packages/Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel/1.0.0-beta1/native/darwin/universal/libuv.dylib


Run the Kestrel server

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib k kestrel


If all goes well you should see “Started” appear on the command line.

$ Started


The default port for kestrel is 5004.   As a test navigate to “http://localhost:5004” using the internal pcDuino Chromium browser.     The sample ASP .NET Mvc application should appear as below.

 asp .net vnextAsp .NET Mvc site up and running on Mono 3.12.0


Find the ip address of the pcDuino using the ifconfig command.

$ ifconfig


Use this ip address from a remote device (or pc’s) browser.   The great feature of the pcDuino that it is equipped with both an Ethernet port and WiFi so connectivity is very easy and convenient.


Congratulations you now have a Mono / NET powered IOT device running ASP .Net vNext!   A mobile wireless web server / web connected device has endless potential.   In future blog posts I hope to explore some of those.


I hope this was helpful!